Sluts For Hire
Mr. Bill Show Taping at Spaceland
July 6, 1998
text & photos by: Helen Halloran

Now how on earth could Ms. Michelle & I pass up a chance to go to a free show, one that would be taped for all prosperity for a segment of the new Mr. Bill Show?  Oh no!!!

We're not used to free shows here in the land of post-grunge recovering Seattle.  This did mean that we had to sit through a bunch of lack-luster bands until the headliner came on.  But once the Sluts for Hire came on, it was worth the wait!

Sluts with silly string - look out!

Our new found friend Fred (like that alliteration!) had told us about this show as he has a job working on it.  He made sure that Michelle, Adam and I got our very own cans of silly string in order to wreak havoc.  When the band started playing, the silly string started flying!  And the silly boys in the audience were slam dancing like crazy for the cameras, ala the punk rock episodes of "Quincy" or "Chips."  It was hilarious!

This is rock & roll, baby!

The idea was for Mr. Bill to get passed around over-head, and of course to end up maimed, decapitated, and otherwise smashed beyond recognition.  And boy did this happen, over and over and over.  The crew seemed to have an endless supply of Mr. Bills!  Fred told us that the ending scene was planned to be of Mr. Bill being impaled on one of the spikes in Fred's hair.  Wow, I can't wait for this television show to make it back on the air!

Miss Koko insists that she is NOT a slut!

The Sluts for Hire seemed to be enjoying this camera induced mayhem immensely.  I thought they were great - an entertaining mix of glam, punk and humor.  They were really nice people too - they loaded me down with stickers galore and a demo tape.  I  hope they make it up to Seattle some time soon!

Michelle and Adam are amused by this mangled piece of Mr. Bill.

This was our last evening in Los Angeles, and man was it fun!  I can't wait for my next trip to the city of angels!

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